Friday, May 4, 2012

Report Writing

In writing we just finished doing reports on unique and interesting animals like our friend "J" did a report on the fastest animal on land- the cheetah.
 Our friend "I" did a report on an animal where echo-location comes in real handy- it’s the bat.
 Next our friend "A" did a report on an extinct animal- the raptor- which has an ancestor that is the biggest dinosaur in history.
Last but not least, our friend "L" did a report on a mischievous mini-monkey the pygmy marmoset.

by Guest Blogger,


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2012

    I had so much fun gathering all that information
    and publishing and exploring all the different
    and uniqe animals and their intresting facts.


  2. AnonymousMay 08, 2012

    You did a great job Lily! We are proud of your report! Mrs. J and Mrs. Mc :)
